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Home remedies for wisdom tooth pain

Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain

Wisdom tooth pain is a very common malady among youth, whose wisdom teeth are just starting to grow in. It can also occur in adults who have chosen not to have their wisdom teeth removed. It is a widely asked question and the answer is, yes, you can get rid of wisdom tooth pain at home.

Wisdom tooth growth pain is one of the most painful forms of toothache one can experience. In some cases, this ends up being so painful that people undergo procedures to extract the teeth completely. In fact, the discomfort and pain can also affect your quality of life and may distract you from performing daily tasks effectively as well.

If you want to get rid of the pain without undergoing wisdom tooth surgery, or simply want to alleviate the pain in the time leading up to surgery, you can opt for a few techniques listed below!

Brush Away!

We do not realize the importance of brushing teeth regularly, especially when suffering from the pain of wisdom tooth growth.

Food particles stuck between the teeth can attribute to increased levels of pain. Many times the pain is caused by inflammation of the tissues around the wisdom tooth. Cleaning the area can decrease the inflammation and decrease the pain.

It can be difficult to reach the very back of the mouth where the wisdom teeth reside. Therefore, be sure to use a mirror as you brush your teeth. This gives you maximum visibility, so you can identify spots you’ve missed.

Ask your dentist about further brushing and flossing techniques to help care for those hard to reach wisdom teeth. Sometimes the pain can simply be a matter of irritated gums from improper oral hygiene.

Gargle Salt Water to Ease Wisdom Tooth Pain

Adding a few pinches of salt to lukewarm water helps in killing the pain causing bacteria in the mouth. Salt also reduces the swelling of the gums by cleaning them and reducing the bacterial count, hence causing a drastic decrease in pain.  You can also use any non-alcoholic mouthwash to gargle as well.

Salt also reduces the swelling of the gums by cleaning them and reducing the bacterial count, hence causing a drastic decrease in pain.  You can also use any non-alcoholic mouthwash to gargle as well.

Salt water is the simplest way to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Swish it around in your mouth for 30-60 seconds for the best results.

Salt water doesn’t irritate the delicate mucous membranes of your mouth, making it the fastest and most natural way to alleviate oral pain, without causing further irritation in the gums.

Floss Between the Wisdom Teeth to Reduce Irritation

As noted above, flossing can help to clean the tooth surfaces and remove the bacteria or food particles that cause inflammation. Flossing is essential to removing the small, micro-sized particles between the crevices of your teeth. These leftover particles cause a lot of pain if stuck close to the wisdom tooth. Sometimes, a toothbrush cannot reach these tiny particles, but flossing can remedy that.

Flossing is essential to removing the small, micro-sized particles between the crevices of your teeth. These leftover particles cause a lot of pain if stuck close to the wisdom tooth. Sometimes, a toothbrush cannot reach these tiny particles, but flossing can remedy that.

It is possible that the causes of your wisdom tooth pain are due to an excess of buildup between the teeth. Many people neglect to floss their wisdom teeth as they are situated very deeply in the mouth. It is important to make the effort, however, as a build up of food in that area will cause hard to reach cavities that can intensify tooth pain.

Apply Garlic to the Tooth and Your Gums

If there is no way that the above methods are not showing promising results, then you have probably reached an advanced stage of the pain. Garlic is an effective pain reliever of inflammation and pain. The method is to simply apply a little salt to a small clove of garlic and place it on the wisdom tooth. The juices released numb the area hence reducing the pain.

If you prefer and don’t mind the strong taste, the garlic and salt can be crushed into a paste as well. This may make applications easier. Apply this mixture sparingly, and just on the affected tooth. Raw garlic in large quantities can cause a burning sensation in the mouth.

Garlic is a powerful antiseptic and has been used throughout history in alleviating bacterial and viral infections. It also has beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. This makes garlic a great option, especially if the pain in the wisdom tooth has been caused by an underlying abscess or gum infection. See your dentist it this is the case, garlic will only temporarily ease the pain, and you may need antibiotics.

If you do not have fresh garlic readily available, you can mix pure garlic powder with water, to create a paste with similar properties.

Garlic for teeth

Use Cloves for Soothing Pain Relief

Cloves, like garlic, also have an alleviating effect on a painful wisdom tooth. This home remedy utilizes the juices of the clove to relieve painful sensations generated by the root of the wisdom tooth. This method of treatment is especially useful if the tooth starts dislocating or cracking due to the presence of cavities. If this occurs, go to the dentist, cloves will not mend a cracked tooth, they can only help with the pain.

Inform your Dentist

Most people at some point in their lives experience wisdom tooth pain. This pain can be relieved for a while with the use of the above-mentioned methodologies.

However, since a single wisdom tooth can grow for over several years. If your wisdom tooth pain persists, and natural remedies no longer do the trick contact your dentist.  as soon as possible and consider extraction if he/she recommends it! The process is well worth the pain-free life you can have after!

You may be a good candidate for wisdom tooth extraction. This is a very common procedure that many people get in their youth and early adulthood. Don’t let crippling tooth pain progress. Never ignore the pain, your wisdom teeth or gums could be infected. Talk with your dentist about whether or not extraction is right for you.

The process is well worth the pain-free life you can have after! Be sure to give LA Dental Clinic a call if you are experiencing chronic wisdom tooth pain. Come in for a consultation and learn more about what we can do to help!

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